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Recensioni di monitor Acer Predator XB281HK 4K

In questo articolo, prenderemo una revisione approfondita per mostrarvi informazioni più dettagliate sul Monitor Acer Predator XB281HK 4K.

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Recensioni di monitor Acer Predator XB281HK 4K

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Aug 13, 2024• Soluzioni comprovate

When you are looking for the best 4K monitors for gaming, you have a lot of different options. Although most of them have great features, the truth is that there is always a model that is able to stand among their direct competitors. And in the case of 4K monitors for gaming, the Acer Predator XB281HK is the best choice you can have.

With a 28 inch 3840 x 2160 4K resolution, your gaming experience could never be any better. However, this resolution is shared with other brands and models. So, what does this specific monitor have different from all the others, you ask? Simply put, the Nvidia’s G-Sync technology. This technology is just perfect for eliminating screen tearing. In this article, we will take a deep review to show you more detailed information about the Acer Predator XB281HK 4K Monitor.

Acer Predator XB281HK 4K Monitor Pros and Cons


  • Muscular and robust design;
  • Ergonomic built;
  • 4K;
  • 28 inches;
  • Nidia G-Sync technology that means no tearing.


  • La reproduction des couleurs pourrait être meilleure ainsi que les images en raison du panneau TN;
  • Les angles de vision doivent être améliorés;

Caractéristiques et performances du moniteur Acer Predator XB281HK 4K:

1. Style de design

Lorsque vous regardez le moniteur Acer Predator XB281HK, vous remarquerez immédiatement que son corps est musclé et robuste. L'un des grands avantages de ce moniteur est le fait que, contrairement à leurs concurrents plus directs, il est réglable en hauteur. Ainsi, lorsque vous essayez de l'ajuster, vous n'aurez pas peur de le casser car il utilise des matériaux de haute qualité très résistants.

Vous remarquerez également que le moniteur Acer Predator XB281HK comprend une épaisse lunette. Dans le coin inférieur droit, vous avez tous les boutons dont vous avez besoin à utiliser et à l'arrière, vous avez tous les points de connexion.

L'une des choses que nous aimons le plus dans le moniteur Acer Predator XB281HK est la possibilité de l'ajuster comme vous le souhaitez. Vous pouvez régler la hauteur, l'inclinaison, la rotation et même la rotation. L'une des choses qui ont tendance à se produire lorsque vous avez autant de réglages possibles est que le moniteur devient généralement instable. Cependant, ce n'est pas le cas de l'Acer Predator XB281HK. Comme il inclut un support en plastique épais incorporé avec des lames en métal, cela garantit que, avec son design ergonomique, le moniteur restera immobile pendant que vous l'ajustez selon vos préférences personnelles.

2.Ports et connectivité

Pour connecter l'Acer Predator XB281HK, le moniteur comprend 1 port HDMI, 1 Display Port v1.2, 4 sorties USB 3.0 et 1 entrée USB 3.0. Contrairement à d'autres marques, Acer n'utilise pas un adaptateur classique. Au lieu de cela, ils ont réussi à concevoir un unique cordon d'alimentation, ce qui le rend encore plus unique.

One of the problems many monitors have doesn't relate to the number of connections they offer but to the way they offer them. Simply put, when you're using the Acer Predator XB281HK you won't have any problems connecting any of the wires. There is a good distance among them allowing you to freely connect and disconnect. This also allows you to easily hide all the wires as well as the monitor won't have any problems breathing.

In what concerns with the interface, you will see that you have all the main buttons on the right bottom corner, easily accessible and easy to understand and use.

3. Color and Image Quality

While one of the cons we mentioned above is the inclusion of the TN panel that makes colors less vibrant and bright, we continue surprised with the quality of the Acer Predator XB281HK.

Although when you sit near the monitor you will be able to see that the white is almost a yellow, if you sit at about 4 to 5 inches away from it, you won't notice it because of the crunchy response and amazing gameplay experience it delivers.

If there is one thing that is worth mentioning is the use of the Nvidia's G-Sync technology. However, since most games are still made thinking about the 1080p resolution, you may think that this monitor is actually a laggard.

In our opinion, when you are able to amaze yourself with its full capabilities, the little problems it has with the non-vibrant and non-bright colors will become meaningless.

4. Gaming Performance

When you have a PC which is able to handle a 4K monitor, you just have to try out the Acer Predator XB281HK.

Come abbiamo accennato in precedenza, questo monitor 4K è regolabile nella sua inclinazione, altezza, ecc. Tuttavia, ciò che non abbiamo menzionato è che, a seconda del gioco che stai giocando, è possibile regolare il preimpostazione del gioco per trarne il massimo.

The Acer Predator XB281HK includes 3 gaming presets - bright color, warm colors, and light blue -, that are extremely easy to change from one to the other. While bright color is great for racing games, the warm colors preset can be used for all kinds of games. In case you're planning on playing some strategy games, then go for the light blue.

One of the things that we need to keep mentioning is the TN panel. This monitor should have included the IPS panel instead. Although Acer decided not to do it, we still believe that this is, by far, the best TN panel you can use. And yes, we know about the problem with the viewing angles. But let's face it: when you are playing a game, you're usually alone. So, you'll be head-on to the monitor. In this case, the TN panel won't affect you. Plus, you just can't forget about the Nvidia's G-sync technology that the monitor includes as well as the response time is absolutely incredible.


So, is the Acer Predator XB281HK the right 4K gaming monitor for you? To be completely honest, it depends on your needs.

One thing is for sure, the Acer Predator XB281HK is always worth considering because of the powerful Nvidia's G-sync technology it includes, plus it is robust, well-designed, and the price is considerably low for what it is offering. On the other hand, the Acer Predator XB281HK uses a TN panel and the refresh rate is only 60Hz. In case you're perfectly fine with this, then the Acer Predator XB281HK is completely worth the money.

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Mario Difrancesco
Mario Difrancesco is a writer and a lover of all things video.
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Mario Difrancesco

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