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Recensioni per monitor Dell P2715Q 4K

Se stai pianificando di acquistare un nuovo monitor in gamma 4K allora è buono avere uno sguardo sulle prestazioni di Dell P2715Q perché il suo design facile da usare con ampie opzioni di personalizzazione catturerà sicuramente

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Recensioni per monitor Dell P2715Q 4K

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Aug 13, 2024• Soluzioni comprovate

Dell has designed several 4K monitors till now and all of them have gained great response form market. Dell P2715Q is another addition to their UHD 4K series and this monitor is performing well against all its competitors in market. Manufacturers have designed this Monitor with all advanced features like high end aspect ratios, excellent refresh rates and the IPS technology itself ensures pro quality performance. If you are planning to buy a new monitor in 4K range then it is good to have a look on performance of Dell P2715Q because its user friendly design with wide customization options will definitely catch your focus.



  • This IPS panel serves users with ultimate color distribution ability.
  • There are multiple options for peripheral connectivity.
  • You will find this monitor fully adjustable with extremely high quality stand.
  • It falls in the affordable range of UHD 4k monitors


  • Design is not much appealing.
  • Dell P2715Q demands high performance GPU if you want to access 4K games on this monitor.
  • TFCC











2. Color Performance

The color accuracy for Dell P2715Q is quite high and it ensures classic response for video and images. All details on screen are presented with very strong and rich color distribution on 3480x2160 pixel rating. It adjusts around 163 pixels/ inch on its 27 inch screen so that viewing experience can be enhanced with crisp details. The color gamut for sRGB spectrum provides 100% accuracy but in case of Adobe RGB it is limited to 79% only. You will be glad to know that Dell P2715Q can maintain very decent performance for contrast ratio that varies somewhere around 690:1 when brightness level is maximum whereas it falls to 650:1 range for half of the full brightness setting. This UHD monitor is rated high for its response for color information because most of the cheaper 4K screens can ensure accuracy only around 70 or 75 percent.

3. Calibration Capacity

As already discussed, the out of box performance for this monitor is limited to 100% sRGB accuracy and only 79% Adobe RGB rating with contrast ratio variation between 690 to 650:1. But when calibration is completed then it can show little improvement over performance. The color response gets improved up to 80% with Adobe RGB value and the maximum contrast ratio varied up to 720:1. But it does not show any improvement for lower range of contrast that still sits at 650:1. If we talk about brightness then it was observed to be 332lux. The best part is that this panel possess semi glossy coating so that it can deliver consistent performance in all environmental conditions. Users can easily access the calibration settings to switch between default and customized settings.






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Mario Difrancesco
Mario Difrancesco is a writer and a lover of all things video.
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Mario Difrancesco

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