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Migliore scheda di memoria per Sony A7S II

Sony A7S II dipende fortemente dal tipo di scheda di memoria ed è bene assicurarsi che hai acquistato le schede di memoria giuste in modo che il vostro Sony A7S II possa funzionare correttamente.

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Migliore scheda di memoria per Sony A7S II

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Aug 13, 2024• Soluzioni comprovate

Sony A7S II is well known for its abilities to process all media file formats along with 4K resolution levels. But note that you will need huge storage capacity to work with all advanced features of this camera so here is a need to go through available memory cards. Note that Sony A7S II is highly dependent upon type of memory card and when it find that memory card is not meeting desired requirements then card type it simply disables few important features. It is good to ensure that you have bought right card so that your camera can function properly.

The article below can help you to select right memory cards for your Sony A7S II camera:

How to choose the right memory card for your Sony A7S II:

Section 1: UHS (Ultra High Speed) Card Classification:

You will find few memory cards with Ultra High Speed (UHS) classifications that determine maximum reading speed of your card. Presently, you can find two major types of UHS classifications as UHS-I and USH-II where the first one is rated to serve at 104MB/s and second one serves at 312 MB/s. It simply means that footage in USH-II cards can be offloaded 3x faster but to maintain this speed you need to have a fast connection and fast hard drive.

Section 2: Requirements for Sony A7S II Memory Card:

1. Card Type: SDXC:

The SDXC card technology was launched in 2010 to serve the requirements of full HD recordings with higher speed and capacity. However, these cards follow dimensions comparable to SD as well as SDHC cards but they can support only SDXC devices. You can find these cards ranging from 64GB memory capacity to 2TB and the speed variation goes from 104MB/s to 300MB/s respectively.

  • Diese Karten bieten höhere Speicherkapazitäten von 64 GB bis 2 TB.
  • Durch die Unterstützung des exFAT-Dateityps können Benutzer mit großen Dateien und höheren Bitraten arbeiten.

2.Speed Class Rating: U3:

Einige der gängigen Spezifikationen, die Hersteller für ihre Karten angeben, sind Schreibgeschwindigkeitsgrenzen und Burst-Leseinformationen, aber beide können dem Benutzer nicht dabei helfen, die richtige Karte für seine 4K-Videoanforderungen zu finden. Tatsächlich folgt das Verhältnis zwischen Burst-Rate und Geschwindigkeit keiner einfachen Beziehung. Daher ist die beste Idee, Karten zu kaufen, indem man ihre Geschwindigkeitsklasse überprüft. Diese Geschwindigkeitsklasse zeigt an, dass Ihre Karte ihre Schreibgeschwindigkeit nicht unterhalb der angegebenen Geschwindigkeitsklassengrenze reduziert. Einige der beliebtesten verfügbaren Geschwindigkeitsklassen auf dem Markt sind Klasse 10, U3, U1, Klasse 6 und Klasse 4.

  • Die U3 oder UHS Geschwindigkeitsklasse 3 Karten sind so konzipiert, dass sie kompatible Geschwindigkeiten für A7S II Kameras bieten.
  • Sie können einen Mindestschreibgeschwindigkeitswert von 30MB/s aufrechterhalten.
  • Diese Karten können Details sehr flüssig aufzeichnen, ohne dass dabei einzelne Frames verloren gehen.


Da fortschrittliche 4K-Aufnahmekameras wie die A7S II für den Einsatz mit hochkapazitiven Karten entwickelt wurden, ist die beste Idee, eine Karte mit einer Kapazität von 64GB zu kaufen, damit alle Frames ohne Informationsverlust verarbeitet werden können. Um die besten Ergebnisse für Ihre klassischen 4K-Aufnahmen zu erzielen, sollten Sie immer eine Karte mit höherer Bewertung wählen. Wenn Sie eine Karte mit höherer Kapazität kaufen:

  • Sie werden in der Lage sein, das Risiko plötzlicher Kartenfehler zu minimieren. Denn wenn Karten nicht in der Lage sind, höhere Bitraten zu unterstützen, verlieren sie oft die meisten Informationen. Es ist ratsam, eine Karte zu wählen, die problemlos Filmmaterial von 1 oder 2 Stunden aufzeichnen kann.
  • Nota che non c'è un accordo di risparmio di denaro nelle gamme di prezzi della scheda di memoria. Quando si va a comprare una scheda di memoria 128GB, naturalmente costa lo stesso se si acquista due schede 64GB.
  • Le schede SD sono piccole dimensioni, unità compatte quindi se si porta una carta 64 GB in tasca o scegliere un pacchetto 128 GB, nessuno di questi sta andando a mettere peso aggiuntivo sulla tasca.

Migliori schede di memoria per Sony A7S II:

1.Sony 64GB High Performance Class 10 UHS-1/U3 SDXC:

Le schede Class 10 offrono un'alta capacità e un'elaborazione ad alta velocità per video e fotografie 4K, quindi sono principalmente raccomandati per lavorare con telecamere DSLR. Essi forniscono una velocità di scrittura di 90MB/s mentre la velocità di trasferimento va fino a 95MB/s.

  • Rappresentante per le prestazioni ad alta velocità con un supporto esteso per catturare 240 foto HD/minuto.
  • Assicura servizi di trasferimento dati veloci.
  • Supportano le registrazioni 4K.
  • Viene fornito con software di recupero dati in modo che si possa recuperare i file persi immediatamente.

2.Trascend 64 GB U3 SDXC Card:

En - It is one of the best recommendations for high quality video recordings. These cards can work in flow with many big brands while ensuring higher reliability even with lower price range. Most of the professionals love to use Transcend cards for HD and 4K recording needs.

  • En - They offer write speed up to 40MB/s and Read capacity of 60MB/s.
  • En - Works with error correction mechanism for ensuring higher reliability.
  • En - Higher durability.
  • En - Suitable for HD camcorders and DSLR cameras.

3.En - SanDisk Extreme 64GB U3 SDXC Card:

En - SanDisk card helps users to enjoy uninterrupted recording sessions for longer duration while delivery higher reliability, faster processing and improved performance rate. You will be able to buy this card with lifetime warranty so this is a great deal.

  • En - They are about 8 times faster as compared to simple memory cards.
  • En - Exceptional readability with 60MB/s support and higher data transfer rates.
  • En - The write speed goes up to 40MB/s and it work with multiple frames/second.
  • Funziona perfettamente con video 3D e Full HD.
  • Può servire in temperature più elevate e sono anche resistenti agli urti e a prova di raggi X.

4.SanDisk Extreme Pro 64GB U3 SDXC Card:

Con Extreme Pro puoi godere di registrare fino a più tempo senza alcuna perdita di dati e non è necessario smettere di scaricare. Queste schede sono progettate per funzionare in modo efficiente anche in condizioni meteorologiche estreme e assistono nel trasferimento rapido di file per contenuti 4K e Full HD.

  • Possono leggere con 95MB/s rating e scrivere con 90MB/s.
  • Extreme Pro è compatibile con i dispositivi SDXC.
  • Assicura risultati perfetti per livelli di risoluzione Full HD, 3D e 4K.
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Mario Difrancesco
Mario Difrancesco is a writer and a lover of all things video.
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Mario Difrancesco

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