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Ecco un visualizzatore di storie di Instagram che non conosci

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Apr 01, 2024• Proven solutions

To cater to its users Instagram introduced the story feature just a few years ago. Today Instagram stories have become more popular than the OG Snapchat. Instagram stories are a great feature to share your journey with your followers. However, the stories are temporary and only last for 24 hours. You can view the stories of your followers in your feed but you can also check the stories of people you are not following on the discover feed. The person who posted the story can see who has seen the story through Instagram story viewer.

To find out more about IG story viewer and how it works, continue reading this article.

1. How Does Instagram Organize the Story Views?

Over just a decade ago, Instagram has grown to become one of the most popular social media platforms with over 1 billion active users worldwide. Instagram is constantly evolving and introducing intriguing updates, intuitive design, and crazy monetization features. What started as a picture editing and sharing app, has now become a crazy online business tool. Celebrities, influencers, entrepreneurs and multi-billion corporations are all using Instagram to directly engage with their target audience and get new customers.

Con milioni di persone che utilizzano l'app ogni giorno, Instagram deve aggiornare costantemente i suoi algoritmi per mantenere la trasparenza, quindi barare, nessuna scorciatoia, nessun hacker! L'algoritmo Instagram si basa su coinvolgimento, tag, grida e altri fattori. Tuttavia, elementi partecipanti come commenti, gusti, salva e sfoglia determinano la maggior parte di ciò che apparirà nel feed.

Instagram usa anche lo stesso algoritmo per organizzare storyboard. Pertanto, il modo in cui attiri e raggiungi i tuoi fan e il tuo pubblico determinerà come Instagram organizza le tue storie e la posizione della tua visione delle storie.


2. The Instagram Story Viewer List?

Instagram ha due fonti di abbonamento, una fonte di abbonamento verticale e una fonte di abbonamento orizzontale. I feed verticali mostrano post condivisi come immagini, boomerang o bobine. Sommario verticale nella parte superiore della pagina è il sommario della storia. Lo storyboard presenta il contenuto del microutente. Questi sono video di 15 secondi per interagire istantaneamente con i follower. Instagram utilizza algoritmi avanzati per organizzare feed e viste.


Ogni storia che la gente vede produce visualizzazioni di pagina. Queste viste sono disposte in un elenco di visualizzatori di storie. Instagram Story Viewer List è una lista che contiene tutti i tuoi visori di storie. Per accedere a questo elenco:

  • Apri l'app Instagram e clicca sull'immagine del profilo nella parte superiore della fonte di abbonamento
  • Se hai pubblicato la storia, guarda l'angolo in basso a sinistra della foto/boomerang/video
  • Qui, le persone che hanno visto la tua storia appariranno sotto l'hashtag "Seen by #" (l'hashtag" Seen by #" mostrerà quanti dei tuoi follower hanno visto la tua storia)
  • Tap on Seen by # to open the story viewers list

3. What’s The Instagram Story Viewer Order?

Prv Instagram story views were arranged in chronological order. However, in 2021 the story views are organized based on engagement. The new Instagram algorithm shows the accounts you engage with the most at the top of your story views list.

Similarly, the more engagement you have with the follower the more chances are of that follower to be at the top of the views list. These accounts are those that give you the most likes, comments, DMs, profile visits, saves etc. But this algorithm only works for those who get more than 50 views. If your story gets under 50 views then the list is sequential meaning that the one who watches your stories first will show up at the top of the list.

4. How Does Instagram Sorts Instagram Story Viewers?

Instagram sorts story views through an algorithm that is based on total profile visits, comments, likes and other interactive elements. Based on the data from these factors, Instagram ranks the reviewers of a story. As stated earlier the accounts users interact with the most will appear first in their story feed.

So, the key is to make your followers engage and interact with you. A lot of people have tried to crack the algorithm, but Instagram has kept it a secret so no one can manipulate it. This maintains transparency and tough competition among users. A useful tip is to use location sticker on story because viewers also view stories by location so using location hashtag in story can also prove to be effective.


5. Is It Anonymous When Viewing One’s Instagram Story?

In simple words no you cannot view your following’s Instagram stories anonymously from the Instagram app. Whichever account you use to view the story it will appear in in the story viewers list of the person who posted the story. A lot of people do use third-party apps to anonymously access Instagram stories. Other also create fake accounts to conceal their real identity.

6. How Can I Know If Someone Viewed My Instagram Stories?

Instagram allows you to see who viewed your story when. To know if someone has viewed your Instagram story simply tap on your profile picture in the story feed and open the story you shared. Now follow these steps:

  • At the bottom left corner of the screen, you will see “Seen by [number of views/people who have seen the story]”
  • Tap on this “Seen by #” option to open your story viewers
  • This list contains all the people who have seen your story and tells you how many people have viewed your Instagram story

A lot of people also use tools to view Instagram stories anonymously so for that you might need an Instagram story viewer app.

Pay Attention to The Instagram Stories Algorithm Change

When it comes to digital platforms algorithms are the tools that determine who should see which content. These algorithms are constantly upgraded to become more relevant and effective over time. This is why digital marketing strategies are also constantly evolving on social media platforms.


When it comes to Instagram, the old # tactics will no longer be effective as Instagram uses advanced algorithms now. Instagram makes sure that all the new content is reaching its intended audience at the right time. However, this change in the algorithm has stirred up the competition. While more and more people try to crack and hack the Instagram algorithm, it best to focus on the quality of content.

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Instagram priorise le meilleur contenu et le plus pertinent. Au lieu de spamer les fils d'actualité de vos abonnés pour obtenir des vues, créez du contenu engageant pour établir une relation durable avec vos abonnés. Votre contenu doit être pertinent pour vos abonnés et les persuader de commenter, aimer, voir, enregistrer et partager ce que vous publiez. Plus vos abonnés interagissent avec vous, plus vos histoires et publications seront facilement accessibles sur leur fil d'actualité.

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Mario Difrancesco
Mario Difrancesco is a writer and a lover of all things video.
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