Filmora - App di editing video AI
App di editing video potente e semplice

Cresci e cresci dalla guida per l'utente di Filmora

Audio Meter in Windows

There is a certain level of sound that humans can bear and even lower that they can enjoy; hence, Filmora has a feature to take care of your content's audio level. The Audio Meter is an independent functionality in Filmora, and users can enable it during or after editing. Following this guide, users will find the step-by-step instructions to access the audio meter:

Accessing the Audio Meter

If you wish to display the audio meter while editing in Filmora, keep following the given directions to enable it:

Step 1: Import Media and Bring it to the Timeline

Once Filmora is installed on your PC, initiate a new and import your media using the "Ctrl + I" shortcuts. Then, drop your media to the timeline panel while making sure that your media contains audio.

place imported media to timeline
Place imported media to timeline
Step 2: Enable the Audio Meter

Choose the clip and activate this function by clicking the "Audio Meter" icon on the right side of the timeline toolbar.

access the audio meter
Access the audio meter
Step 3: See the Audio Meter's Statistics

The audio meter will be shown on the right side of the timeline panel, providing the audio statistics for your media.

analyze the audio statistics
Analyze the audio statistics