Filmora - App di editing video AI
App di editing video potente e semplice

Cresci e cresci dalla guida per l'utente di Filmora

HSL for Windows

Amongst Filmora's many features for color correcting and adjustment, one is HSL. This function adjusts colors based on three components, including "Hue," "Saturation," and "Lightness." The emphasis of this instructional manual below is to access this feature and enable it in a few clicks:

How to Access and Enable HSL in Filmora?

There is only one method to reach this feature in Filmora, and here is the step-by-step guide to it:

Step 1: Bring Media to Timeline for Editing

Once you have reached Filmora's main display after opening it, click the "New Project" button and select files from your device's File Manager. After that, drag-and-drop the imported files to the timeline.

bring the media into the timeline
Bring the media into the timeline
Step 2: Activate and Open HSL Settings

Next, select the video you brought to the timeline, direct it toward the right-side panel "Color > Basic", and click on the "HSL" tab. Once you reach there, modify the settings of the "Hue", "Saturation", and "Luminance"Slider.

access the hsl option
Accedi alle opzioni hsl
Passaggio 3: invertire o salvare le impostazioni personalizzate

Dopo aver completato le modifiche richieste, fare clic su"Salva come personalizzato"Pulsante salva queste regolazioni per un uso futuro. Se si desidera regolare nuovamente le impostazioni, fare clic su"Ripristina"Pulsante.

reset or save as cutom
Reimposta o salva come cutom